
Book Chapters

  • Fundamental limits to near-field optical response
    O. D. Miller
    Advances in Near-Field Optics (Sept. 2023). [ doi | arxiv | pdf ]


    • Fullwave design of cm-scale cylindrical metasurfaces via fast direct solvers
      W. Xue, H. Zhang, A. Gopal, V. Rokhlin, and O. D. Miller
      arXiv:2308.08569 (Aug. 2023). [ arxiv | pdf ]
      • Bounds on the coupling strengths of communication channels and their information capacities
        Z. Kuang, D. A. B. Miller, and O. D. Miller
        arXiv:2205.05150 (May 2022). [ arxiv | pdf ]
        • Quasinormal coupled mode theory
          H. Zhang and O. D. Miller
          arXiv:2010.08650 (Oct. 2020). [ arxiv | pdf ]
          • Minimum dielectric-resonator mode volumes
            Q. Zhao, L. Zhang, and O. D. Miller
            arXiv:2008.13241 (Aug. 2020). [ arxiv | pdf ]
            • Photonic design: From fundamental solar cell physics to computational inverse design
              O. D. Miller
              PhD Thesis (June 2012). [ arxiv | pdf ]


              • Exploring the equivalence of causality-based and quantum mechanics-based sum rules for harmonic generation in nonlinear optical materials
                T. T. Koutserimpas, H. Li, O. D. Miller, and F. Monticone
                Optical Materials Express 15, 413–424 (Mar. 2025). [ doi | arxiv | pdf ]
                • Editors' Pick.
              • Maximal quantum interaction between free electrons and photons
                Z. Xie, Z. Chen, H. Li, Q. Yan, H. Chen, X. Lin, I. Kaminer, O. D. Miller, and Y. Yang
                Physical Review Letters 134, 043803 (Jan. 2025). [ doi | arxiv | pdf ]
                • Approaching upper bounds to resonant nonlinear optical susceptibilities with inverse-designed quantum wells
                  H. Li, T. T. Koutserimpas, F. Monticone, and O. D. Miller
                  ACS Photonics (special issue: “Rising Stars in Photonics”) (Jan. 2025). [ doi | arxiv | pdf ]
                  • Many photonic design problems are sparse QCQPs
                    S. Gertler*, Z. Kuang*, C. Christie, H. Li, and O. D. Miller
                    Science Advances 11, eadl3237 (Jan. 2025). [ doi | arxiv | pdf ]
                    • Optimal input excitations for suppressing nonlinear instabilities in multimode fibers
                      K. Wisal, C.-W. Chen, Z. Kuang, O. D. Miller, H. Cao, and A. D. Stone,
                      Optica 11, 1663–1672 (Dec. 2024). [ doi | arxiv | pdf ]
                      • Tunneling escape of waves
                        D. A. B. Miller, Z. Kuang, and O. D. Miller
                        Nature Photonics (Dec. 2024). [ doi | arxiv | pdf ]
                        • Photonic chip-based low noise microwave oscillator
                          I. Kudelin, W. Groman, Q.-X. Ji, J. Guo, M. L. Kelleher, D. Lee, T. Nakamura, C. A. McLemore, P. Shirmohammadi, S. Hanifi, H. Cheng, N. Jin, S. Halliday, Z. Dai, L. Wu, W. Jin, Y. Liu, W. Zhang, C. Xiang, V. Iltchenko, O. D. Miller, A. Matsko, S. Bowers, P. T. Rakich, J. C. Campbell, J. E. Bowers, K. Vahala, F. Quinlan, and S. A. Diddams
                          Nature 627, 534–539 (Mar. 2024). [ doi | arxiv | pdf ]
                          • Roadmap for optical metasurfaces
                            A. I. Kuznetsov, M. L. Brongersma, J. Yao, M. K. Chen, U. Levy, D. P. Tsai, N. I. Zheludev, A. Faraon, A. Arbabi, N. Yu, D. Chanda, K. B. Crozier, A. V. Kildishev, H. Wang, J. K. W. Yang, J. G. Valentine, P. Genevet, J. A. Fan, O. D. Miller, A. Majumdar, J. E. Fröch, D. Brady, F. Heide, A. Veeraraghavan, N. Engheta, A. Alù, A. Polman, H. A. Atwater, P. Thureja, R. Paniagua-Dominguez, S. T. Ha, A. I. Barreda, J. A. Schuller, I. Staude, G. Grinblat, Y. Kivshar, S. Peana, S. F. Yelin, A. Senichev, V. M. Shalaev, S. Saha, A. Boltasseva, J. Rho, D. K. Oh, J. Kim, J. Park, R. Devlin, and R. A. Pala
                            ACS Photonics 11, 816–865 (Feb. 2024). [ doi | pdf ]
                            • Validation and characterization of algorithms and software for photonics inverse design
                              M. Chen, R. E. Christiansen, J. A. Fan, G. Isiklar, J. Jiang, S. G. Johnson, W. Ma, O. D. Miller, A. Oskooi, M. F. Schubert, F. Wang, I. A. D. Williamson, W. Xue, and Y. Zhou
                              J. Opt. Soc. Am. B 41, A161–A176 (Feb. 2024). [ doi | pdf ]
                              • Fundamental limits to multi-functional and tunable nanophotonic response
                                H. Shim*, Z. Kuang*, Z. Lin, and O. D. Miller
                                Nanophotonics 13, 2107–2116 (Jan. 2024). [ doi | arxiv | pdf ]
                                • All electromagnetic scattering bodies are matrix-valued oscillators
                                  L. Zhang, F. Monticone, and O. D. Miller
                                  Nature Communications 14, 7724 (Nov. 2023). [ doi | arxiv | pdf ]
                                • A novel approach to interface high-Q Fabry–Pérot resonators with photonic circuits
                                  H. Cheng, N. Jin, Z. Dai, C. Xiang, J. Guo, Y. Zhou, S. A. Diddams, F. Quinlan, J. Bowers, O. D. Miller, and P. Rakich
                                  APL Photonics 8, 116105 (Nov. 2023). [ doi | pdf ]
                                  • Probing the limits to near-field heat transfer enhancements in phonon-polaritonic materials
                                    R. Mittapally, J. W. Lim, L. Zhang, O. D. Miller, P. Reddy, and E. Meyhofer,
                                    Nano Letters 23, 2187–2194 (Mar. 2023). [ doi | pdf ]
                                    • Inverse design of high-NA metalens for maskless lithography
                                      H. Chung, F. Zhang, H. Li, O. D. Miller, and H. I. Smith
                                      Nanophotonics (Feb. 2023). [ doi | arxiv | pdf ]
                                      • Towards maximum optical efficiency of ensembles of colloidal nanorods
                                        O. D. Miller, K. Park, and R. A. Vaia
                                        Opt. Express 30, 25061–25077 (July 2022). [ doi | arxiv | pdf ]
                                        • High-NA optical edge detection via optimized multilayer films
                                          W. Xue and O. D. Miller
                                          Journal of Optics, 125004 (Nov. 2021). [ doi | arxiv | pdf ]
                                          • Fundamental limits to the refractive index of transparent optical materials
                                            H. Shim, F. Monticone, and O. D. Miller
                                            Advanced Materials 33, 2103946 (Sept. 2021). [ doi | arxiv | pdf ]
                                            • Conservation-law-based global bounds to quantum optimal control
                                              H. Zhang, Z. Kuang, S. Puri, and O. D. Miller
                                              Physical Review Letters 127, 110506 (Sept. 2021). [ doi | arxiv | pdf ]
                                              • Computational bounds to light–matter interactions via local conservation laws
                                                Z. Kuang and O. D. Miller
                                                Physical Review Letters 125, 263607 (Dec. 2020). [ doi | arxiv | pdf ]
                                                • Maximal single-frequency electromagnetic response
                                                  Z. Kuang, L. Zhang, and O. D. Miller
                                                  Optica 7, 1746–1757 (Nov. 2020). [ doi | arxiv | pdf ]
                                                  • Tight bounds on the effective complex permittivity of isotropic composites and related problems
                                                    C. Kern, O. D. Miller, and G. W. Milton
                                                    Phys. Rev. Applied 14, 054068 (Nov. 2020). [ doi | arxiv | pdf ]
                                                    • Optimal materials for maximum large-area near-field radiative heat transfer
                                                      L. Zhang and O. D. Miller
                                                      ACS Photonics 7, 3116–3129 (Nov. 2020). [ doi | arxiv | pdf ]
                                                      • Approaching the upper limits of the local density of states via optimized metallic cavities
                                                        W. Yao, M. Benzaouia, O. D. Miller, and S. G. Johnson
                                                        Opt. Express 28, 24185–24197 (Aug. 2020). [ doi | arxiv | pdf ]
                                                        • Editors' Pick.
                                                      • Tunable metasurface inverse design for 80% switching efficiencies and 144-degree angular deflection
                                                        H. Chung and O. D. Miller
                                                        ACS Photonics 7, 2236–2243 (July 2020). [ doi | arxiv | pdf ]
                                                        • Maximal free-space concentration of electromagnetic waves
                                                          H. Shim, H. Chung, and O. D. Miller
                                                          Physical Review Applied 14, 014007 (July 2020). [ doi | arxiv | pdf ]
                                                          • Editors' Suggestion.
                                                        • Optical materials for maximal nanophotonic response (Invited)
                                                          H. Shim, Z. Kuang, and O. D. Miller
                                                          Optical Materials Express 10, 1561–1585 (July 2020). [ doi | arxiv | pdf ]
                                                          • High-NA achromatic metalenses by inverse design
                                                            H. Chung and O. D. Miller
                                                            Optics Express 28, 6945–6965 (Mar. 2020). [ doi | arxiv | pdf ]
                                                            • Highest-cited paper in Optics Express, 2020-21.
                                                          • Limits to surface-enhanced raman scattering near arbitrary-shape scatterers
                                                            J. Michon, M. Benzaouia, W. Yao, O. D. Miller, and S. G. Johnson
                                                            Opt. Express 27, 35189–35202 (Nov. 2019). [ doi | arxiv | pdf ]
                                                            • Editors' Pick.
                                                          • Scattering concentration bounds: Brightness theorems for waves
                                                            H. Zhang, C. W. Hsu, and O. D. Miller
                                                            Optica 6, 1321–1327 (Oct. 2019). [ doi | arxiv | pdf ]
                                                            • From solar cells to ocean buoys: Wide-bandwidth limits to absorption by metaparticle arrays
                                                              M. Benzaouia, G. Tokic, O. D. Miller, D. K. P. Yue, and S. G. Johnson
                                                              Physical Review Applied 11, 034033 (Mar. 2019). [ doi | arxiv | pdf ]
                                                              • Editors' Suggestion.
                                                            • Fundamental limits to near-field optical response over any bandwidth
                                                              H. Shim, L. Fan, S. G. Johnson, and O. D. Miller
                                                              Physical Review X 9, 011043 (Mar. 2019). [ doi | arxiv | pdf ]
                                                            • Optimal nanoparticle forces, torques, and illumination fields
                                                              Y. Liu, L. Fan, Y. E. Lee, N. X. Fang, S. G. Johnson, and O. D. Miller,
                                                              ACS Photonics 6, 395–402 (Feb. 2019). [ doi | arxiv | pdf ]
                                                              • Maximal spontaneous photon emission and energy loss from free electrons
                                                                Y. Yang*, A. Massuda, C. Roques-Carmes, S. E. Kooi, T. Christensen, S. G. Johnson, J. D. Joannopoulos, O. D. Miller*, I. Kaminer*, and M. Soljacic,
                                                                Nature Physics 14, 894–899 (Sept. 2018). [ doi | pdf ]
                                                              • Active radiative thermal switching with graphene plasmon resonators
                                                                O. Ilic, N. H. Thomas, T. Christensen, M. C. Sherrott, M. Soljacic, A. J. Minnich, O. D. Miller, and H. A. Atwater
                                                                ACS Nano 12, 2474–2481 (Mar. 2018). [ doi | pdf ]
                                                                • Limits to the optical response of graphene and two-dimensional materials
                                                                  O. D. Miller, O. Ilic, T. Christensen, M. T. H. Reid, H. A. Atwater, J. D. Joannopoulos, M. Soljacic, and S. G. Johnson
                                                                  Nano Letters 17, 5408–5415 (Aug. 2017). [ doi | arxiv | pdf ]
                                                                  • Topologically enabled optical nanomotors
                                                                    O. Ilic, I. Kaminer, B. Zhen, O. D. Miller, H. Buljan, and M. Soljacic,
                                                                    Science Advances 3, e1602738 (June 2017). [ doi | pdf ]
                                                                  • General theory of spontaneous emission near exceptional points
                                                                    A. Pick, B. Zhen, O. D. Miller, C. W. Hsu, F. Hernandez, A. W. Rodriguez, M. Soljacic, and S. G. Johnson
                                                                    Optics Express 25, 12325–12348 (May
                                                                    2017). [ doi | arxiv | pdf ]
                                                                    • Selected as Editor's Pick article.
                                                                  • Low-loss plasmonic dielectric nanoresonators
                                                                    Y. Yang*, O. D. Miller*, T. Christensen, J. D. Joannopoulos, and M. Soljacic,
                                                                    Nano Letters 17, 3238–3245 (Apr. 2017). [ doi | arxiv | pdf ]
                                                                    • Computational inverse design of non-intuitive illumination patterns to maximize optical force or torque
                                                                      Y. E. Lee, O. D. Miller, M. T. H. Reid, S. G. Johnson, and N. X. Fang,
                                                                      Optics Express 25, 6757–66 (Mar. 2017). [ doi | arxiv | pdf ]
                                                                      • Perfect single-sided radiation and absorption without mirrors
                                                                        H. Zhou, B. Zhen, C. W. Hsu, O. D. Miller, S. G. Johnson, J. D. Joannopoulos, and M. Soljacic
                                                                        Optica 3, 1079–86 (Oct. 2016). [ doi | arxiv | pdf ]
                                                                        • Giant frequency-selective near-field energy transfer in active–passive structures
                                                                          C. Khandekar, W. Jin, O. D. Miller, A. Pick, and A. W. Rodriguez
                                                                          Physical Review B 94, 115402 (Sept. 2016). [ doi | arxiv | pdf ]
                                                                          • Optically thin metallic films for high-radiative-efficiency plasmonics
                                                                            Y. Yang, B. Zhen, C. W. Hsu, O. D. Miller, J. D. Joannopoulos, and M. Soljacic,
                                                                            Nano Letters 16, 4110–4117 (May 2016). [ doi | arxiv | pdf ]
                                                                            • Efficient broad- and tunable-bandwidth optical extinction via aspect-ratio-tailored silver nanodisks
                                                                              E. Anquillare, O. D. Miller, C. W. Hsu, B. G. DeLacy, J. D. Joannopoulos, S. G. Johnson, and M. Soljacic
                                                                              Optics Express 24, 10806–16 (May 2016). [ doi | arxiv | pdf ]
                                                                              • Fundamental limits to optical response in absorptive systems
                                                                                O. D. Miller, A. G. Polimeridis, M. T. Homer Reid, C. W. Hsu, B. G. DeLacy, J. D. Joannopoulos, M. Soljacic, and S. G. Johnson
                                                                                Optics Express 24, 3329–64 (Feb. 2016). [ doi | arxiv | pdf ]
                                                                                • Shape-independent limits to near-field radiative heat transfer
                                                                                  O. D. Miller, S. G. Johnson, and A. W. Rodriguez
                                                                                  Physical Review Letters 115, 204302 (Nov. 2015). [ doi | arxiv | pdf ]
                                                                                  • Selected by APS as an Editor's Suggestion
                                                                                  • Featured in APS Viewpoint article.
                                                                                  • Highlighted in SPIE newsroom article.
                                                                                • Inverse optical design
                                                                                  O. D. Miller and E. Yablonovitch
                                                                                  Encyclopedia of Applied and Computational Mathematics, 729–732 (Nov. 2015). [ doi ]
                                                                                  • Optimization of sharp and viewing-angle-independent structural color
                                                                                    C. W. Hsu, O. D. Miller, S. G. Johnson, and M. Soljacic
                                                                                    Optics Express 23, 9516–9526 (Apr. 2015). [ doi | arxiv | pdf ]
                                                                                    • Coherent plasmon-exciton coupling in silver platelet–J-aggregate nanocomposites
                                                                                      B. G. DeLacy, O. D. Miller, C. W. Hsu, Z. Zander, S. Lacey, R. Yagloski, A. W. Fountain, E. Valdes, E. Anquillare, M. Soljacic, S. G. Johnson, and J. D. Joannopoulos
                                                                                      Nano Letters 15, 2588–2593 (Feb. 2015). [ doi ]
                                                                                      • Effectiveness of thin films in lieu of hyperbolic metamaterials in the near field
                                                                                        O. D. Miller, S. G. Johnson, and A. W. Rodriguez
                                                                                        Physical Review Letters 112, 157402 (Apr. 2014). [ doi | arxiv | pdf ]
                                                                                        • Fundamental limits to extinction by metallic nanoparticles
                                                                                          O. D. Miller, C. W. Hsu, M. T. H. Reid, W. Qiu, B. G. DeLacy, J. D. Joannopoulos, M. Soljacic, and S. G. Johnson
                                                                                          Physical Review Letters 112, 123903 (Mar. 2014). [ doi | arxiv | pdf ]
                                                                                          • Light trapping textures designed by electromagnetic optimization for subwavelength thick solar cells
                                                                                            V. Ganapati, O. D. Miller, and E. Yablonovitch
                                                                                            IEEE Journal of Photovoltaics 4, 175–182 (Jan. 2014). [ doi | arxiv | pdf ]
                                                                                            • Adjoint shape optimization applied to electromagnetic design
                                                                                              C. M. Lalau-Keraly, S. Bhargava, O. D. Miller, and E. Yablonovitch
                                                                                              Optics Express 21, 21693–21701 (Sept. 2013). [ doi | pdf ]
                                                                                              • Layer-by-layer self-assembly of plexcitonic nanoparticles
                                                                                                B. G. DeLacy, W. Qiu, M. Soljacic, C. W. Hsu, O. D. Miller, S. G. Johnson, and J. D. Joannopoulos
                                                                                                Optics Express 21, 19103–19112 (Aug. 2013). [ doi | pdf ]
                                                                                                • The opto-electronics of solar cells
                                                                                                  E. Yablonovitch and O. D. Miller
                                                                                                  IEEE Photonics Soc. News (Research Highlight) 27, 4–5 (Feb. 2013). [ pdf ]
                                                                                                  • Near-field electromagnetic theory for thin solar cells
                                                                                                    A. Niv, M. Gharghi, C. Gladden, O. D. Miller, and X. Zhang
                                                                                                    Physical Review Letters 109, 138701 (Sept. 2012). [ doi | pdf ]
                                                                                                  • Strong internal and external luminescence as solar cells approach the Shockley–Queisser limit
                                                                                                    O. D. Miller, E. Yablonovitch, and S. R. Kurtz
                                                                                                    IEEE Journal of Photovoltaics 2, 303–311 (July 2012). [ doi | pdf ]
                                                                                                  • Rectification by charging: Contact-induced current asymmetry in molecular conductors
                                                                                                    O. D. Miller, B. Muralidharan, N. Kapur, and A. W. Ghosh
                                                                                                    Physical Review B 77, 125427 (Mar. 2008). [ doi | pdf ]


                                                                                                    • Photon torpedoes and rytov pinwheels: Integral-equation modeling of non-equilibrium fluctuation-induced forces and torques on nanoparticles
                                                                                                      M. T. H. Reid, O. D. Miller, A. G. Polimeridis, A. W. Rodriguez, E. M. Tomlinson, and S. G. Johnson
                                                                                                      Online (Aug. 2017). [ arxiv | pdf ]
                                                                                                      • Silicon color filters for light-recycling displays
                                                                                                        E. C. Regan, Y. Shen, A. Massuda, O. D. Miller, and M. Soljacic
                                                                                                        Online (Nov. 2016). [ arxiv | pdf ]
                                                                                                        • Power–bandwidth limitations of an optical resonance
                                                                                                          O. D. Miller, C. W. Hsu, E. Anquillare, J. D. Joannopoulos, M. Soljacic, and S. G. Johnson
                                                                                                          Online (Oct. 2015). [ arxiv | pdf ]